The Drones
au | Label: Atp Recordings

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The new world of The Drones is an exotic place, one populated by dark corners, rarely explored avenues, sparse canvases and dense, exhilarating peaks and troughs – and that’s just the neighbourhood surrounding their recording studio. Actually it’s not just a studio. It’s a house in the middle of a forest that the Melbourne band’s singer Gareth Liddiard and bassist Fiona Kitschin, his partner, discovered in January this year and decided to make their home. Once settled, they realised it was also the perfect setting to record The Drones’ fourth album, Havilah.


Atp Recordings(2008)
Gala Mill
Atp Recordings(2006)
Wait Long by the River and the Bodies of Your Enemies Will Float By
Atp Recordings(2005)