Sean Nicholas Savage
ca | Label: Arbutus Records

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Sean Nicholas Savage is a Canadian Singer and Balladeer.
In 2014 he released Bermuda Waterfall.
Savage’s gift for bracing, timeless song craft and prowess as a philosopher reaches a new zenith with Bermuda.
The album offers the opportunity to observe the fascinating evolution of a truly one-of-a-kind artist and confident expansion of his artistic palette. His most emotionally thematic work since Other Life and Flamingo before it. Savage touches always on a theory or profound observation and comes to at least a suggested point in his pop, drama compositions. Perhaps the pinnacle attraction of his work are these observations, learned wisdoms, the ongoing adventures shaping Savage himself, the Artist, the Performer, the Narrator.
Once a staple spectacle performance in Montreal’s all night illegal party scene, Savage has since taken to consistent touring and producing wherever he may be, in the past two years.
Throughout Europe and North America, his dates vary from subdued solo performances to full band power ballad shows and in between, each incarnation renowned as captivating and inspirational.


Bermuda Waterfall
Arbutus Records(2014)
Other Life
Arbutus Records(2013)
Arbutus Records(2011)
Mutual Feelings Of Respect And Admiration
Arbutus Records(2010)
Spread Free Like A Butterfly
Arbutus Records(2009)