North America

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Twin brothers Josh and Jesse Hasko apply their near psychic proclivities to create spatial and hauntingly psychedelic songs that embody and transcend typical genres.

Inspired by the scorching desert landscape, altered states, and the nightmare of post-modern America, North America plays a tactile and hypnotic rock with chiaroscuro qualities in a world that is their own. Crystalline guitar lines and feverish drum beats synthesize into unpredictable territories, sometimes even to the brothers.

The New York natives recorded their latest album Blown Out (2011) in a New Mexican adobe, channelling the extraterrestrial forces and spirit energies that they smudged out and summoned at the same time.

While North America’s music can be intense, beautiful, and danceable; (the duo has been described as Desert Crystal Psych Rock, Dance Punk, Face Melt?, among everything else) each song is a relatable emotional story that embraces darkness, hypocrisy, and ultimately; joy.

They will be performing live on 1.3333% of planet Earth in 2013.



Blown Out