Meg Baird & Mary Lattimore
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Meg Baird and Mary Lattimore’s collective work—as solo artists, band members, and collaborators—could likely fill a whole section at a record store. But Ghost Forests is the first release from the two long-time friends as a duo.


Independently, Baird and Lattimore cultivated highly individual and idiosyncratic tools of expression. Baird’s timeless, soaring voice, guitar, and drums have underpinned pastoral and folk rock explorations as a soloist and with Espers and Heron Oblivion. Lattimore’s LPs of mysterious, spectral experimental harp sounds move and unfold like films and nature itself. The list of artists that have called upon their voices and visions to enrich their own work is expansive—a virtual pocket encyclopedia of contemporary indie and experimental musicians.


In these new collaborative compositions we hear conversations between the two artists—driven by deep pools of shared influences. Here, subjects ranging from the sound of light on water, seismic geopolitical anxiety, the smog-exploded sunsets of Don Dudley’s paintings, and vertigo from their respective relocations to San Francisco and Los Angeles from their once-shared home in Philadelphia.


The conversations are intimate. fluid, effortless and spontaneous. They’re filled with the euphoria of creation. And at times they articulate hard truths and tangled emotions with an ease that only trusted friends can manage.


It’s our good fortune that we are able to eavesdrop on the conversation through these songs. And it’s a wonder to hear two unique artists interact to such beautifully original ends.

