Kris Dane
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Kris Dane is a singer-songwriter who has been enchanting the musical landscape for almost two decades with his unique compositions, which can not be classified in established genres. Kris Dane has created his own musical universe with his earthy soothing voice and laid-back guitar playing. He conveys his eloquent poetry not only through the lyrics of his songs, but also through their melodies, which evoke a certain feeling of nostalgia, soulful and captivating. Kris Dane’s 7th studio album ‘Levitate’ saw the light on October 15th 2021, followed by many positive reactions and radio plays.

Mongrel Brothers Entertainment(2021)


Rose Of Jericho

Rise & Down Of The Black Stallion
BANG! Music(2008)

Songs of crime & passion
BANG! Music(2007)

Carbon 7 Records(1999)

Fe Is A Male Mystic
Carbon 7 Records(1998)