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“La casa sulla Luna” (The house on the Moon) is the second album released by Bruno Bavota, and it follows the success of his debut album “Il pozzo d’amor” (The well of love), very well received by critics and very often compared to Ludovico Einaudi. With this second job, Bavota continues his journey in atemporal places. It follows that “La casa sulla Luna” is a sort of ‘container for dreams’.
‘First of all my inspirations comes from all things that happened to me day by day: love, dreams, tears, smiles. So in my music you can find all my deepest emotions, my heart and my soul’.
Ten tracks that evoke positive feelings and emotions. Among the tracks, there is also a tribute to the cinema: “Il dito si muove sul vetro appannato” (The finger moves on the misty glass), title of the third track, was inspired by a phrase said by Sean Penn in the award-winning film by Paolo Sorrentino “This must be the place”.
‘Naples, my town, his first place that inspires me, i’m linked with the sea in particular. Sometimes i ride my bicycle to go near the sea and play my acoustic guitar or read a book, alone…unfortunately I can’t bring my upright piano with me’.
The attraction to music came “only” at the age of twenty. Music decided to save his life, covering him with a huge, warm hug, from which constantly comes out the echo of the deepest emotions of his soul. Few years later he discovered piano, whose strings naturally replaced those of his heart, spreading his love song across the world.
On December 22nd 2010 he published his first self-produced LP “Il Pozzo d’Amor”, and he returns on March 10th 2013 with a brand new album. Released on Lizard Records and entitled LA CASA SULLA LUNA, the album coincided with a show at Royal Albert Hall in 2nd April, a truly unforgettable and amazing experience.